Tuesday, July 19, 2011

8bit hero

Tallulah is officially 8 months. W-O-W! I am enjoying this age. She is fun, super active, babbles all day long and cracks some super gummy smiles. It melts my heart. Since moving her into her own room she is sleeping a whole lot better; think only waking 2am and 6am which could count as our start of our day but we snuggle in our bed till 8am! She is still hitting her milestones like its going out of fashion! She currently does the following cute tricks;

-crawls REALLY fast
-pulls herself up onto everything
-she can climb stairs/boxes/toys
-stopped just falling over and can lower herself onto her bum (yay! less bruises!)
-walks along things; couch, tv cabinet
-sometimes tests out whether she can stand by herself without holding onto to anything
-has 2 teeth
-loves drinking water from her sippy cup but don't put breast milk or formula in there because she's onto you!
-babbles all day long and says 'dada' 'mumma' but not in relation to either Ross or I
-likes to open and closes things like doors
-obsessed with playing in the bathroom if she happens to make it past the babygate
-loves powercords/switches
-has major separation anxiety-like.can.not.leave.room.without.tears.

The one thing that did worry/concern/stress me out but I was assured everything was okay is that Tallulah is on the small side. Obviously I know she is a wee one but when the chart in the purple book tells me this it kind of concerned me. Everything else is all dandy but she needs to pile on some kilos- stat! She is weighing in at just under 6.5kg so we are now feeding her solids/finger foods at every possible opportunity and then offering milk. The nurse told me that since Tallulah has really only accepting food recently and she was a itty-bitty baby and she is super active these were the reasons for her light-as-a-feather weight. She also assured me that I really shouldn't give it a second thought as she is happy, developing and had a small birth weight! But, you know the whole mama thing you can't help worrying a little....So now we are eating 5 times a day! Hurrah!

Its such a pleasure to be this little girls mama! She is definitely the apple of my eye (oh and her dad!)


Anonymous said...

whta a treasure she is! And she is very lucky to have you as her Mama- you are doing an amazing job!

She is doing so many clever things- it is mind boggling how far they come in 8 months!!

Five meals a day (lucky girl!) plus boob, I'm sure she will be stacking on the weight in no time!

Leah said...

She is too cute.

She seems really, really active for an 8 month year old!!! :) She is really clever.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Em you're doing an amazing job.
I doubt it will be long until she's off and running with the way she's going.

fifi said...

crazy! my lottie is an active energiser bunny like tallulah so these are all things we can look forward to in a matter of weeks! she's already pulling herself to standing *eeeeeeeeeeeep* i'm scared!!!! we haven't safety'd the house yet either as she can't crawl but i'm feeling like we should do it super soon!

Unknown said...

Tallulah is such a sweetie and super lucky to have such a lovely mumma. my baby is the youngest in our mama's group and I worried she put on too much weight and grew too quickly (thyroid problems, pituitary gland what could it be?) whilst the mama with the eldest ( 61/2 months) is struggling to get her little one to 5 kilos. Both babies are healthy and developing normally but we mamas always worry no matter what end of the scale they are at.