Thursday, June 23, 2011


Um, I'm not whats happened to our tough-nut of a daughter but she has got all sensitive on us! She used to go down for her naps and I could make as much noise as possible- vacuum, bang around in the kitchen and what-not. But recently she has been bursting into tears (when she is awake) if I use the vacuum cleaner, the blender or my hair dryer! Eeeeeeek I really need my hairdryer! I have been turning the music up really loud and then sneaking off to dry my hair...haha! What is going on? I hope she grows out of this stage, though if there is an excuse not to vacuum I'll take that...HAHA!


fifi said...

lottie shits her pants and cries when kee coughs! apparently they also start to experience separation anxiety around this time.....lottie looks up if she hears a dog bark in the distance, the fridge gurgle or a plane flying over.....not to mention the trucks at 5am. at least we know they have good hearing!

Anonymous said...

It could be the high pitched whine is getting to her can you hold her and have the hairdryer sort of in her hands and turn it on? She might be able to see it's not scary if you're holding her and the dryer? Then again it might make it worse, this is one of the thing I do not remember how to handle. Hope it's a short phase.

Renee said...

@raisedbywolffs yeah I've tried holding her whilst vacuuming, blender and drying and she still got upset...poor little lady! Its okay, its just funny how one moment they are super cool, then minute they are all like nope don't like that anymore! haha

Anonymous said...

I've heard this is quite normal at 7+ months. The baby that used to sleep while you vacuum, suddenly gets scared even though you think she would have be used to the noise.

Babies sure keep us on our toes don't they!!